Qualcomm has launched Snapdragon 821, successor to its high-end mobile processor Snapdragon 820. The company claims that the new processor is 10% faster than Snapdragon 820.
Qualcomm, however, stressed that the latest Chipset by the firm, it is not a replacement for the current Snapdragon 820. "Rather than replace the Snapdragon 820, the 821 is designed to complement and extend the competitive strengths of our Snapdragon 800 lineup," said the company in a blog post.
The Qualcomm Snapdragon 821, as per the company, "is engineered to deliver faster speed, improved power savings, and greater application performance, ensuring 821 powered devices keep pace with the growing performance demands of users to deliver the unmatched user experiences the Snapdragon 800 tier is known for."
Qualcomm has not revealed as to which devices will the new processor be powering, but has confirmed that commercial devices running on Snapdragon 821 will launch in second half of this year. This means that the handsets like the rumoured Nexuses and the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 might feature the new chipset. Asus Zenfone 3 is also likely to come with the new processor.
The company claims that the Snapdragon 821 "will help set a new bar for smartphones, tablets, mobile VR head mounted displays and other new devices."
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