Apple iPhone SE launches in India on April 8 at a price of Rs 39,000. Here's our review for this 4-inch iPhone.
Apple iPhone SE was supposed to be the big price play from Apple. But Apple held on to its price, at least in markets like India, with this new small phone. However, it is still a phone with a unique selling proposition, thanks to its now rare form factor. Can the 4-inch frame be the one thing that endures this new phone to the world?
The SE in iPhone SE is supposed to stand for special edition. That it is in more ways than one — it brings back to vogue the 4-inch screen, which we all thought we had moved on from and it puts into this tiny frame with specs similar to a top-end device, another rarity these days. Despite all that this, iPhone SE is still a phone that looks a bit like another that was sold a couple of years back. iPhone 5S, at least it looks, sure gets a new lease of life with the SE.
Specs: 4‑inch display with 1136×640 pixel resolution at 326 ppi | A9 chip with 64‑bit architecture | 16 or 64GB storage space | 12‑megapixel iSight camera with 1.22ยต pixels | 1.2‑megapixel FaceTime camera | Touch ID | iOS 9.3 |
Price: Rs 39,000
What is good?
The best feature of this phone has to be its size. There are lot of people who struggle with large phones, and find no viable alternative given that smaller phones are now becoming really rare. The 4-inch frame of the iPhone SE will endear this phone to lots of people with small hands and tiny fingers. This is for people who want something handy, and I am sure there are quite a few of this target audience around the world.
But does small mean weak? No. And that is the beauty of the iPhone SE. It is in no way an underwhelming smartphone. Moving from an iPhone 6s Plus to this smaller phone, I was in no way struggling for power. Given that this was a brand new phone, there were times when phone actually felt faster and smoother than the six-month-old 6s Plus. The phone works well in all conditions.
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