Samsung launched the Galaxy J3 smartphone with S Bike mode, priced at Rs 8,990, which will be available exclusively onSnapdeal from today. The smartphone, which is targeted at millions of bike users in India who cannot take calls while riding, comes bundled with an NFC tag which when paired with the phone serves as a call assistant for bikers.
The feature when switched on informscallers that a biker is unable to take the call because he's on the move. In case of urgency, the caller has to press 1 to take the call forward. Till the time the feature is on, a biker cannot take the call while driving as the call will not go through, as motion sensors attached with the feature disallow calls while on the move.
"This is an India specific feature built for this market," said Asim Warsi, senior vice president, Samsung India Electronics. "It will be expanded to newer J series models and current devices via software updates," he added.
The feature, Warsi said, also finds resonance in several developing markets where Samsung operates and demand for the same has been seen already. "It can be extended to other markets very swiftly."
The Galaxy J3 is the lowest costing NFC enabled smartphone from Samsung, and with the S Bike feature, the company feels it will be able to increase its leadership margins in the Rs 6,000 to Rs 10,000 price segment.
Samsung claimed that the J series alone, under which three models were launched last year, makes up 20% of the entire mobile phone industry by value.
"We have a 50% market share as of February 2016 in that segment," Warsi said, citing GfK figures by value. "Galaxy J3 will propel our market share in this segment," he added.
The 4G-enabled phone comes with a 1.5 quad-core processor, 1.5 GB RAM and 8 MP rear and 5 MP front camera. The phone will be available online exclusively and riders using S Bike mode while driving, stand to win Rs 1,500 a month from Freecharge.
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