Nextbit Robin, which is an entirely cloud-based Android smartphone, is set to launch in India by end of April. The $400 priced Nextbit Robin was open for pre-orders in India last year from its Kickstarter page with $70 additional shipping charges
Nextbit Robin is not a conventionally looking Android smartphone. Tall, square and striking in mint and midnight black colour options, its DNA is the cloud.
Robin will let you dump or offload all that stuff you don’t use on your phone. Nextbit says, “it will always rain them back for you” whenever you need them.
In terms of specs, NextBit Robin is powered by a hexacore Snapdragon 808 processor, with 3GB RAM and 32GB storage with 100GB available on cloud. The device features a 5.2-inch display with full HD (1080 x 1920 pixels) resolution, a 13MP camera with phase detection autofocus and dual tone LED flash and a five megapixel front camera.
The power key doubles up as a fingerprint sensor and the phone has dual speakers and USB 3.0 Type C connector. The 7-mm slim device weighs 150 grams and supports NFC and LTE.
The company CEO Tom Moss served as Worldwide Head of Business Development for Android at Googleuntil 2010, while its CTO Mike Chan overlooked software development right from Android 1.0 through 3.0 Honeycomb. Nextbit’s Chief Product Officer Scott Croyle was formerly SVP of Design and User experience at HTC and was behind popular phones like HTC Evo, One M7 and One M8.
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